Hi there!
Hope everyone had a Happy Easter!
Today's post is a guest post I wrote for Shivawn of Love + Labels & Joneses. I'm excited to be a monthly contributor to her blog and will be sharing my posts written for LL&J on this blog as well. Enjoy:)
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
~ Mark Twain
I got hit with the traveling bug at a very young age. I guess you could say that “I get it from my momma.”
She had me on a plane by the time I was six months old, sent me on an educational trip to Mexico at age twelve and by fourteen we had been to both Disneyland and Disneyworld!
Whether exploring France on a European vacation, hanging with the locals in Guadalajara Mexico or sneaking off to Vegas as she often did, she lived it up! I still have the postcard she sent me from her Hawaiian vacation when I was a kid!
Travel is my passion. The sole reason I started my blog was to inspire and motivate others to travel. I realize for others it’s not as ingrained in their DNA but taking time away to explore different cultures, unplug from the daily grind and get some rest and relaxation is very important.
Check out these 5 reasons why scientists say you should take time often to vacation:
1. To protect your ticker – you will slash your risk of heart disease by as much as 29%
2. To extend your life – you will have a 17% lower risk of death
3. To be happier – simply anticipating a trip increases happiness, leads to a more positive outlook and lowers levels of depression
4. To improve the quality of your relationship – there is a direct correlation between frequency of vacation and odds of marital satisfaction
5. To boost your productivity – time off is crucial to stress recovery and stress recovery is key to improving well-being and job performance.
(“Recovery Time” as featured in July 2012 issue of O Magazine“)

So what’s holding you back on planning your next getaway?
Money looking funny? Too busy at work? Feeling guilty about leaving the kids home? No one to go with you?
Truth is we can’t wait on the right time or right person to come into our life before we get about the business of living! Discounted travel deals are everywhere now (Groupon, anyone?) and the work will be there when you get back! Plus, you don’t need a travel buddy. Taking a solo trip can give you the much needed “me time” you deserve anyway.
Now is the time to explore, dream and discover this wonderful world we live in!
Tweet me (@MsTravelChic) and let me know where you end up planning that next vacation. Would love to hear
Hope everyone had a Happy Easter!

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
~ Mark Twain
I got hit with the traveling bug at a very young age. I guess you could say that “I get it from my momma.”
She had me on a plane by the time I was six months old, sent me on an educational trip to Mexico at age twelve and by fourteen we had been to both Disneyland and Disneyworld!
Whether exploring France on a European vacation, hanging with the locals in Guadalajara Mexico or sneaking off to Vegas as she often did, she lived it up! I still have the postcard she sent me from her Hawaiian vacation when I was a kid!
Travel is my passion. The sole reason I started my blog was to inspire and motivate others to travel. I realize for others it’s not as ingrained in their DNA but taking time away to explore different cultures, unplug from the daily grind and get some rest and relaxation is very important.
Check out these 5 reasons why scientists say you should take time often to vacation:
1. To protect your ticker – you will slash your risk of heart disease by as much as 29%
2. To extend your life – you will have a 17% lower risk of death
3. To be happier – simply anticipating a trip increases happiness, leads to a more positive outlook and lowers levels of depression
4. To improve the quality of your relationship – there is a direct correlation between frequency of vacation and odds of marital satisfaction
5. To boost your productivity – time off is crucial to stress recovery and stress recovery is key to improving well-being and job performance.
(“Recovery Time” as featured in July 2012 issue of O Magazine“)
So what’s holding you back on planning your next getaway?
Money looking funny? Too busy at work? Feeling guilty about leaving the kids home? No one to go with you?
Truth is we can’t wait on the right time or right person to come into our life before we get about the business of living! Discounted travel deals are everywhere now (Groupon, anyone?) and the work will be there when you get back! Plus, you don’t need a travel buddy. Taking a solo trip can give you the much needed “me time” you deserve anyway.
Now is the time to explore, dream and discover this wonderful world we live in!
Tweet me (@MsTravelChic) and let me know where you end up planning that next vacation. Would love to hear
I have found I enjoy traveling alone more than I enjoy traveling with others sometimes. I almost wish I could start my vacation before everyone else shows up. LOL. My eldest daughter is a fantastic traveler, my two younger children... not so much.
ReplyDelete(I should have started when they were tiny like your Mom did!)
Happy SITSSharefest!
Here's a link to my post this week.
Other than business travel I still have not taken a solo trip but I'm thinking of doing one soon:)
DeleteThanks for stopping by! :-)
We love to travel, but I hate to plan. Sometimes that leads to no vacation. There are so many things to decide. Where to go, how to get there, when to go, how to explore when there, and on and on. We have the paperwork in for our passports and need to get off our tushies and plan. Thanks for the post it might get us going. Visiting from Sharefest.
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by! Planning a vacation can be overwhelming but sometimes simple is best! Every now and then you have to just pack up the family, pick a destination and just go without an itinerary :)