Ms. Travel Chic: Guest Post: Too Tight Jeans
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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Guest Post: Too Tight Jeans

This month's guest contributor is Shivawn of "Love, Label and Joneses" Check out her great post!

Have you ever had a pair of jeans that you had to jump into just to put them on? And you knew they were too tight before you put them on but you HAD to wear them? So all throughout the day you had to suffer through being uncomfortable. Uncomfortable when you sat down because they squeezed your legs. Uncomfortable when you ate and had to walk around all day holding your stomach in. But as soon as you got home behind closed doors you immediately struggled to get those jeans off. 

After the struggle you vowed to never wear them again...but you did 3 weeks later!

Well let’s put a spin on the clothes that don’t fit. 
How many of us are walking around living other people dreams as if they are our own (wearing clothes that don’t fit)? Or heading in a certain direction because everyone suggests that we go that way (wearing clothes that don’t fit)? 
Maybe you even have on layers of clothes of past hurt, defeat, disappointment and fear.

You see when you wear clothes that don’t fit. You are in fact ignoring where you are currently. You are holding on to someone else’s identity or holding onto the past! You are choosing to ignore the fact that you need to do some closet cleaning, throwing away the “labels” that no longer apply and picking out the ones that do!

People get into this cycle of putting on their Friday’s best to fake everyone out! And eventually end up faking themselves out.

Below I have some Tips to help You Out:

Too Tight & it Hurts - When we feel pain that means the issue has been there a long time and the pain is to get our attention. What needs your attention? The longer you delay the longer you will experience pain. Address the issue, make adjustments and move on!

Clean Your Closet - Plain and simple. You need to let go of what no longer “fits” you. We hold onto things, people because they are our security blankets. But your security blanket could be blocking you from being where you need to be in life!

Add some color - We sometimes get stuck in a rut and tend to pick out the same thing to wear. This is the same thing for life. I encourage you to make a list of new things you want to try before the year is over!!! The more you add “color” the more you will enjoy life!

* Side Note: If you have clothes that you haven’t worn in years, months let them go. If they are too small just buy the size that fits :-) 

Love, Lessons & Laughs!

Shivawn Mitchell is an Author, Life Stylist, Publishing Company Owner and Social Change Gal who loves to inspire people to dream bigger and never to settle. Keep in touch with her love, lessons and laughs on her blog at or on twitter @ladyshiv

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